Do you need to send save the date cards
Whether you send save the date cards is a completely personal decision. Whilst they aren’t essential, they do provide an exciting opportunity to set the tone for your wedding and offer a first look for your guests. You can include custom watercolour artwork of your flowers, venue or even your dogs to make the cards extra special. And let’s be honest, it’s always lovely to receive something beautiful through the post.
I’d recommend sending save the date cards out about 12 months before your wedding date. Typically a save the date card will include the name of the couple to be married, the date and location. This provides guests with enough details to ensure they can take leave from work and make travel arrangements. I always recommend adding ‘formal invitation to follow’ at the bottom of your save the date cards, then guests will know more details will be provided closer to the celebrations.
If you are getting married abroad, I would suggest sending save the date cards out as early as 18 months before your wedding date. As well as the details listed above, consider creating a wedding website and including the link. This enables you to provide guests with a large volume of information without overloading the text on your save the date cards.